1: Bevel Position Calibration
press up or dwn to go left or right, then enter the amount and press enter. This will move the stones in the direction of the arrow (Right moves bevel toward back of lens.)
2: Rimless Position Calibration
press up or dwn to go left or right, then enter the amount and press enter. This moves the position where the lens is cut during rimless finishing cycle.
3: Rimless Upsize
Enter the new amount of the rimless upsize. This is used for permanent size adjustment for rimless lenses (and is relative to the beveled overall sizing).
4: DFF
Distance From Front of lens. Enter what you’d like to be the default (usually 1.0).
5: Differential
Enter the amount. Should be between 0.7 and 1.2.
6: Rough Wheel Position
press up or dwn to go left or right, then enter the amount and press enter. This is the location of the lens during the roughing cycle.
7: Edger ID
Enter a number between 0 and 9. This is used to identify the edger to the tracer.
0: Firmware Version Number
displays the firmware version number.
R/L: Pump Mode
In pump mode, use the blue pause switch to toggle the pump on and off. CLR or ENT to exit.
ENT: Axis Calibration
See manual for details.
UP \ or DWN \ : Permanent Size Adjustment
See manual for details.